国際会議 / International conference

*はcorresponding authorであることを示しています.

  1. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Shinichiro YANO, Satoshi WATANABE, Climate change impact assessment on precipitation patterns of causing a flood in the Chikugo River and Kuma River Basins in Kyushu, Japan, The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges Open Science Conference, 2024.
  2. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Shinichiro Yano, Hiroki Kimura, Satoshi Watanabe, Climate change impact assessment of the precipitation pattern and flood discharge in Kyushu, Japan, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 21st Annual Meeting, 2024, accepted. [invited]
  3. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Satoshi Watanabe, Climate change impact assessment in an observational data-scarce catchment, 40th IAHR World Congress, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
  4. Kosuke Wada, Yasuyuki Maruya*, Kazuha Ando, Misaki Ijima, Satoshi Watanabe, Shinichiro Yano, Prediction of river flow regime Based on pseudo observational data, 40th IAHR World Congress, 2023.
  5. Misaki Ijima, Shohei Miyamoto, Hiroaki Taniguchi, Yasuyuki Maruya, Satoshi Watanabe, Shinichiro Yano, Climate Change Adaptation Assessment on the Tsuruda Dam Redevelopment Project, 40th IAHR World Congress, 2023.
  6. Lin Hao, Ai Sanada, Baixin Chi, Bing Xiong, Yasuyuki Maruya, Shinichiro Yano, Hypoxia over the Past Two Decades in the Ariake Sea, 40th IAHR World Congress, 2023.
  7. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Shinichiro Yano, Shohei Miyamoto, Satoshi Watanabe, Hiroaki Taniguchi, Climate Change Impact Assessment on the Frequency of River Flow Regime and the Probability of Flood Control Operation During an Extreme Flood: a Case Study in the Shimouke and Matsubara Dams, Kyushu, Japan, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 18th Annual Meeting, 2021, accepted. (Oral Presentation) [invited] 
  8. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Satoshi Watanabe, Prediction of river flow regime under climate change in a acold region using large ensemble of climate experiment, 27th IUGG General Assembly, 2019, accepted. (Poster Presentation)
  9. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Satoshi Watanabe, Climate change impact assessment on suspeded sediment loading using large ensemble of climate experiments -a case study in mountainous small basin, Hokkaido-, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 16th Annual Meeting, 2019, accepted. 
  10. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Research prospect on integration of hydrology and ecology in river basin study, The 3rd of International symposium of river basin studies -towards the interdisciplinary study for sustainable basin environment and human well-being-, 2019. (Oral Presentation)
  11. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Climate change impact assessment on nutrient circulation using General Circulation Models output in Shiretoko, Japan, Global Land Programme 2018 Asia Conference, 2018. (accepted) (Oral Presentation)
  12. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Satoshi Watanabe, Creation of pseudo observational data using reanalysis data for climate change impact assessment in a data scarce catchment, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 15th Annual Meeting, 2018. (accepted) (Oral Presentation)
  13. Takeshi Yamanaka, Atsuhiko Konja, Shiori Abe, Takashi Iwasaki, Kokukei Sai and Yasuyuki Maruya, Construction of flood prediction model by deep learning for large scale rivers and consideration on constant setting, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 15th Annual Meeting, 2018. (accepted)
  14. Katsuaki Komai, Yasuyuki Maruya, Hajime Kasama, Naoki Nobuyama and Tatsuya Sato, Projection of dissolved organic carbon supply from Kushiro Mire basin to the coastal region of the Oyashio using multi GCMs, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 15th Annual Meeting, 2018. (accepted) (invited)
  15. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Satoshi Watanabe, Climate change impact assessment using pseudo observational data based on reanalysis data, The 2nd of International symposium of river basin studies -towards the interdisciplinary study for sustainable basin environment and human well-being-, 2018. (Poster Presentation)
  16. Katsuaki Komai, Yasuyuki Maruya, Naoki Nobuyama, Hajime Kasama, Yukina Sato, Shunsuke Hiroki, Climate change impact assessment on dissolved organic carbon transport from the river basin to the coast of the Oyashio – a case study in the Kushiro Mire basin -, The 2nd of International symposium of river basin studies -towards the interdisciplinary study for sustainable basin environment and human well-being-, 2018.
  17. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Satoshi Watanabe, Tomohiro Tanaka and Yasuto Tachikawa, Statistical correction method for precipitation of re-analysis data based on observational data in local scale, The 1st of International symposium of river basin studies -towards the interdisciplinary study for sustainable basin environment and human well-being-, 2017. (Poster Presentation)
  18. Sri Adiyanti, Bradley D. Eyre, Yasuyuki Maruya, Perrine Mangion and Matthew R. Hipsey, Stable isotopes and Bayesian framework reduce parameter uncertainty of sub-tropical catchment nutrient export and riverine-estuarine biogeochemical cycling models, The 1st of International symposium of river basin studies -towards the interdisciplinary study for sustainable basin environment and human well-being-, 2017.
  19. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Satoshi Watanabe, Keisuke Nakayama, Tomohiro Tanaka and Yasuto Tachikawa, Climate Change Impact Assessment on Nutrient Discharge Using Multi-Model and Multi-Scenario of GCMs in Shiretoko, The 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, 2016. (accepted) (Oral Presentation)
  20. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Matthew R. Hipsey, Satoshi Watanabe, Sri Adiyanti and Yasuto Tachikawa, Application of reanalysis data for assessing the impact of climate change on river flows in a data scarce catchment, The 12th International Conference on Hydroinformatics,  2016. (accepted) (Oral Presentation)
  21. Katsuaki Komai, Asami Nagao, Masanori Nunokawa, Nozomi Watanabe, Yasuyuki Maruya and Keisuke Nakayama, Influence of nutrient and fine sediment control to primary productivity by benthic attached algae in forest watershed, IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 2016, 2016.
  22. Hajime Kasama, Katsuaki Komai, Yasuyuki Maruya and Keisuke Nakayama, Organic carbon transport during flood due to rainfall in a headwater catchment of Kushiro Wetland, JAPAN, Libra de articulos del XXVII Congress Latinoamericano de Hydraulica, 2016.
  23. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Matthew R. Hipsey, Satoshi Watanabe, Sri Adiyanti and Yasuto Tachikawa, Bias Correction of reanalysis data for assessment of climate change effects on river system in a data scarce area : a case study for precipitation and temperature, American Geophysical Union 2015, GC33A-1267 (abstract ID : 78751), 2015. (accepted) (Poster Presentation)
  24. Carlos BEITIA, Keisuke NAKAYAMA, Naofumi OHTSU, Misao YAMANE, Shintaro YAMASAKI,Yasuyuki MARUYA, Katsuaki KOMAI,  Identification of the dominant suspended sediment sources in a river basin by using X-ray fluorescence analysis as a fingerprint-type method, Proceedings of 19th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, 2014.
  25. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Keisuke Nakayama, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa, Tetsunori Inoue, Masashi Komata, Katsuaki Komai and Yasuto Tachikawa, Projection of Nutrient Discharge by Usinig Different Bias Correction Method for Precipitation in Shiretoko, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 11th Annual Meeting, 2014. (Poster Presentation)
  26. Kazuki Kokubo, Keisuke Nakayama, Tetsuya Shintani, Tetsuya Ishida, Yasuyuki Maruya and Katsuaki Komai, Suspended Sediment Transport in a River Basin by using X-ray Fluorescence Analysis, 6th Conference of the APHW, 2013. (Poster Presentaion)
  27. Yohei SUGAWARA, Yasuyuki MARUYA, Katsuaki KOMAI, Keisuke NAKAYAMA and Junko KATO, Comparison of Water Circulation Mechanisms between the 1970s and 2000s in Kushiro Wetland, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, pp.89-90, 2012. 
  28. Atsushi NAKAMOTO, Keisuke NAKAYAMA, Tetsuya SHINTANI, Yasuyuki MARUYA, Tetsuya ISHIDA, Kenichi HOUMURA and Yoshihiro MAKIGUCHI, Estimation of salt wedge intrusion in Kushiro wetland due to sea level rise, Proceedings of 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, pp.159-160, 2012.
  29. Keisuke NAKAYAMA, Tomohiro KUWAE, Yasuyuki MARUYA, Aynur ABULIZ, Tetsunori INOUE and Kazutaka TATEYAMA, Nutrient circulation due to the interaction between terrestrial and oceanic systems, The 50th Estuaries and Coastal Areas conference, O7.22, 2012.
  30. Yasuyuki Maruya*, Aynur Abuliz, Keisuke Nakayama, Tomohiro Kuwae, Tomonari Okada, Tetsuya Ishida, Mass transport and nutrient circulation evaluated by stable isotope analysis and chemical decomposition, 5th Conference of the APHW, pp.428-435, 2010. (Poster Presentaion)
  31. Keisuke Nakayama, Yasuyuki Maruya, Tetsuya Shintani, Kenji Shimizu, Yoshinori Yonome and Mitsuaki Yonemoto, Influence of internal waves on interfacial level in Lake Abashiri, International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2010, pp.133-141, 2010.
  32. Keisuke Nakayama, Tetsuya Shintani, Taro Kakinuma, Yasuyuki Maruya, Yoshinori Yonome, Mitsuaki Yonemoto and Isao Nakauchi, Influence of Stokes drift on salt wedge intrusion evaluated using fully-nonlinear and strongly dispersive wave equations, Proceedings of International Conference of Coastal Engineering, Vol. 32, currents.34, pp.1-6, 2010.
  33. Keisuke Nakayama, Taro Kakinuma, Daishi Horimatsu, Yohei Sugawara, Yasuyuki Maruya and Yoshinori  Yonome, Reproduction of flow over sand waves using the variation principle, River, Coastal and Estuary Morphodynamics 2009, Vol. 6, pp.183-188, 2009.